I find her very talented. I found her cute. But as she is getting older, the more she needs Michael Salientes to style her.
Remember this old post of mine about a year ago?
Now that Michael has a hold on Sarah Geronimo, she is now looking hot hot hot!

I totally agree... Charice needs help and Michael Salientes can be her ticket.
OMG, i saw teh same pic last weekend...and yes, she needs a stylist ASAP!
looks like they listened to you sistah!
please let KC concepcion know she needs to change her stylist too. i didn't know who "did" sarah pero ngayon sosyal na sya. si kc sayang, really bad packaging with the clothes, mukha syang baduy.
on KC. I think that's her own style showing...baduy.
I was mistaken! Milette Arzaga styled her on this ad. Michael Salientes styles her for Unica.
I honestly think KC's stylist is downgrading her look to make her more appealing to the masa. She has her soap on tv and hence needs the masa to love her.
Record Breaker concert billboard shoot was by stylist Millet Arzaga. Unica hija was by Michael Salientes. Record Breaker actual show Concert was by Eric Pweh Benito.
Jeni Eperson styles KC.
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