When I was in HK with friends, we decided to try the PD of Peninsula Hotel. We were all prepared for the best duck HK can offer since it was after all, it is the Peninsula. But I think that in the end, I had better duck in a less fancier place.
This is American Restaurant. They have really yummy PD.

More duck to wrap!!

Here's Peninsula's version and more food we ordered!

Here's my HK Peking Duck gang.

When I got back to Manila, you might find it hard to believe, but I was still craving for the lovely creature so I got my Shangri-la Girlfriends to share another one with me at Summer Palace.

My Shang Girls and of course they were wearing JBD!!

I am giving up duck for a while, just enough for the species to multiply.
hm pd in american restaurant - memories :)
candy!! grabe ka talaga!!!
i love duck too so i can be you new peking duck partner!!
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