On my way to work, passing on EDSA where the buses emit black smoke to the air we breath, the honking, the swerving, the beggars, the billboards, the traffic, the politics and how dirty it is, the upcoming elections and all the other stressful things that we face day...to day...to day...to day, it made me think of New Zealand.
I mean, as long as Snaga, Saruman, Sharku are not around, then I think I will be fine.

Do you know that the Mc Donalds in New Zealand have ANGUS BEEF burgers?

Right now, this is what I need. Just a year of this. All I need now is to enforce it in my mind and it should happen soon enough. I do believe in the power of the mind.
So I was looking for my house and I have decided to get this one. It has 4 bedrooms and 4 toilet and baths. It is US$3,636,497. I know right? I have to find a way to snag this guy.

My future home.

As long as I get this house AND George Clooney, I wouldn't mind having to live with these two for the rest of my life.

New Zealand. Sigh....

the Mighty Angus is my fave. just mentioning it makes my mouth water already.
We have the Angus beef burger in Australia too :o) It's pretty good i have to say.
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