Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Curt Smith and Me.

Maybe it's nothing BIG for some people...but to me...lil' old is ground breaking.

That CURT SMITH actually took the time to click on his phone with his cute fingers to RETWEET my message to him gave me an exhilarating rush of adrenaline.

After calming down, the daydreaming started about how he will follow me in TWITTER and how he will send me messages...and then how he will fall in love with me.

We sit by a window, he's writing me songs as I knit him a know....those kinds of loving stories.

And then comes in AG wearing a black leather jacket, kicks Curt's ass and whisks me away...but then Curt fights back (because he really wants me) and they really knock each other out

...and I am screaming, STOP! STOP!

But they won't listen...I trip, fall on my head, hit the corner of the table and die....

But then again...that's just the DRAMA QUEEN in me. Here's a close up just in case you didn't see. (BWA HA HAHA!!! Super are you dying of envy laugh)

Am I officially a stalker now?


Anonymous said...

I wish Curt Smith could read this and leave a comment. That would be so awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

who is curt smith?

Anonymous said...

that knitting woman - that sooo looks like you :) (just kidding)

RubyG said...

Hahah! Candy! This is sooo cute!!! I'm jealous!

Jeremy Domingo said...

This is hilarious, Candy! Congrats on the great blog, keep it up :-)

Jaket Kulit Wanita said...

So cute ^^