Thanks to you, my feet are ecstatic about having new babies to be fashionable in.
This orange BCBGirls casual shoes will add life and color to my usual black outfits. They are comfortable too! Thanks Ate Jenny!
And just when I thought my day was utterly boring (except for 3 episodes of GLEE that I watched with Jody), I received this!!!
Pucci shoes!! How lucky can a girl get? So happy that Christine thinks of me when it comes to Emilio Pucci brand. They are so adorable especially with what I am wearing today. But I think I will reserve it for another special day.
I have always loved that song. It was written by Eric Clapton when his son fell off their apartment 53 floors high and died. He was only 4 years old. Imagining the pain for all family members brings tears to my eyes. This happened years ago. But my mom's passing was just 5 months fresh.
Last night, I woke up at 3 am to go tinkle. The whole house was quiet. I talked to Mom...
"Mom, if you are here, make any kind of noise downstairs, ANY KIND, and I promise I won't get scared." I waited...there was none.
I went back to bed and then suddenly, it was daylight. My heavy curtains were missing and the sun was shining through the window so brightly. She came in the door without knocking. She was wearing her leopard pattern shirt, khaki pants and red loafers. I made sure I took notice of everything. Her hair was shorter, right below the ear. She had no make up but still looked fresh. She leaned on the vanity table and said...
"You should take care of Ms. Sandico. And buy a heart shape diamond. We don't have a good quality heart shape diamond yet."
I was too stunned to talk or react. She came over around and sat where my pillow was. I moved to the center of the bed to face her.
I asked, "Mom? Are you happy?", she mumbled, "Oh yeah, I guess...ummm, I am ok." It was unclear. I wanted to know for sure if she was happy so I asked again. And she answered the same way. An unclear yes. I asked her if I could hug her.
"Of course", she said. So we went to the center of my room and I reached out very gently scared that if I held on to her too tight, she will disappear. And then we danced while hugging. I remember telling her, "Jenny and Ginny will be very jealous of me."
She pulled away and told me that she had to go. I wanted to die. It's as if we were in a movie where your loved one is walking backwards towards the door with her hand reaching out. I was reaching out to her begging her not to leave. But she had to.
And she closed the door and I woke up crying like I did when I learned of her death. Like how I am crying now, as I type.
I sat up, cried some more until I woke up AG and Jacqui. They asked me what was wrong and I just told them to go back to sleep.
After an hour or so, I fell asleep only to dream of her once again. And for sure, I woke up crying.
I had an assumption as to what this party was going to be like and I was right. It was one of the best party thrown by anyone in a LONG time. AG and I were the first ones there. Literally. The staff wasn't done fixing up. But that's usually how I like it especially when I plan to blog. This way, I can take photos of the set up before anyone messes it up.
The entrance to the party place.
Is it obvious who did the the flower arrangements? Margarita Fores was also present to boogie on down.
The party starts with DANCING DIVAS.
TIME TRAVELLED back to the DISCO ERA with the Party Peeps!!! Almost all the whitey's came in full costume. The Flippers came as FLIPPERS who socialize. We are not that courageous but I think we should be.
MY HERO AWARD goes to Ruby Gan for being a Flipper in costume.
Show's that she's got GROOVE baby....
PARTY HOST AWARD for the YEAR 2010 goes to Chico Angeles.
AND PARTY HOSTESS AWARD is non other than
Madame Colin Mackay.
You should do this YEARLY!!! It would make the world a much HIP and HAPPY place to be.
Girlfriend of the night. Macky and your bloggerina.
CHEERS to People's Palace for your 10th Anniversary. Many many more to come.
Is it a sign??? Or do I just want to take it as a sign?
Four of my good friends were pretty much preggo at the same time and of course, as a result, gave birth a few days or weeks apart. It's amazing. April and May will surely be super duper busy in the coming years because of the birthday parties I have to attend to...that is if they invite me. (BWA HA HA)
What we ordered and what we got as complimentary dishes!!!
Cheers to Masseto for the wonderful, delicious and superb meal. I can't seem to pinpoint what my favorite dish is because everything was gooooood. I suggest, you go with a group and order everything on the menu and have a bit of every dish. Cheers to you Tippi Tambunting for the success of Masseto and for bringing us to a new culinary height.
The ladies who lunch.
By the way, service was perfect. SSS (Service Served with a Smile). A+!!!!