Monday, April 25, 2011

How to Decorate Your Cake.

I am no pastry chef but when it comes to decorating birthday cakes, the Dizon's can get really crazy with ideas.

Liam turned 2 last week and we decided to buy a plain chocolate cake and put the decor ourselves.

Step One, buy a plain chocolate cake.

Step Two, buy colorful goodies such as:






CARS, because Liam loves them.

Step Three, lay them out nicely. And voila!! All the kids loved it!! They devoured the decor, kept the toy and finished the whole cake in minutes.
Just make sure that you don't get two oversensitive cake stylists to do one cake. They tend to be quite violent when it comes to what color of jellybeans should go on the cake.
Unless you want blood all over it.

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