Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Casa Malca, Tulum.

I don't know much about Pablo Escobar except that he was a Columbian drug lord. I have yet to watch the show in Netflix to keep myself updated, specially now that I have been to his mansion in Tulum. It is now a beach resort but you can tell the extravagant lifestyle that he lived. 

The whole area used very old railroad tracks as walls and fences. It looks so awesome and you can actually still smell the oil spill from the trains. 

Upon entering, on your left, you will see this little corner of love. It goes up another level because it is just the main entrance to the toilets. 

A huge dining area with mix matched chairs and tables under multiple chandeliers. 

There's artwork everywhere you look. 

As it became dark, the whole place lit up focusing on the art pieces that are scattered all over the property. 

And with our jaws dropped to the floor, we still found the energy to take a group photo in one of the function rooms in Casa Malca. 

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