Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Sala with my Doñas.

It started with drinks. Ven usually orders for me because she knows that I have zero knowledge about alcohol. She knows that I like it sweet wherein I can hardly taste the bitterness. She got me an Amaretto Sour. I've had this before but I just can't seem to remember how my body reacted to it. It tasted so good. 

I drank and within 5 minutes, I was practically ready to slide of all the table setting so I can dance on the table. Such a disgrace. I remember my ears burning and face ready to burst with so much blood. I did, however, make my Doñas laugh which is something I am happy about. 

They all say that I need more practice. 

Sala is always a good idea. I love the newly renovated restaurant and the food is always good. Service, impeccable. 

Can't wait for my next "practice" session with you girls. Love you! 

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