As I mentioned in my Facebook status, if I had known that Bill Clinton was going to be coming to Manila, I would have asked him to bring me some Cap'n Crunch cereal.
You don't know how strongly I feel for this man. The Cap'n, not Clinton. I grew up eating him for breakfast! Yikes! That sounds nasty! Especially since he's old and gray, both the Cap'n AND Clinton.

Anyway, if you have any ounce of love for me, PLEASE find away to get me some Cap'n Crunch. Whoever sends me all three boxes will receive....(see last photo below).

TWO DAYS, FREE pass to use the gym and pool of The Peninsula Manila for 1 person. (FYI, this is not a tie up with the hotel)

I know if I tried hard enough, I can get these on my own but this just makes it more fun, doesn't it??
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